Thursday, January 24, 2013

Doula Training

I don't think I have been so beyond excited about starting a new chapter in my life, as I am now!  Just downloaded my first reading for my Doula training, and I am already swimming in thought.  I really hope I can maintain this kind of passion through my whole study, as well as through my life.

It has been a busy couple days since I last wrote, but I don't think I intend for this blog to have something written every day.  For my sanity, and my husband's, this is just a spot for us to write what we feel, and the days that we need to muddle through.

.....J has woken, so I'm going to have to re-visit this.

My thinking is going to be over a course of a couple days now.  It seems every time I sit down to write J wakes up in such a fit.  *sigh*. I sure look forward to his poor gums getting a break, as does he, I'm sure.

I have already gotten through half my first book for my doula training.  The beginning part, and of which I still have 50 more pages in the chapter, is comprised of birth stories.  I'm finding it extremely useful to hear from so many different women on their births.  I only know the details of my two births otherwise.  There are some techniques talked about in the birth stories, but does not go into explaining the reasoning (that's saved for a later chapter).  I'm excited, and  anxious for more learning.

Both the boys seem to switch off on being extra needy lately, and it has started to wear both, Mike and I thin.  As a parent, you love your children, always.  We love our boys.  It gets hard though when your marriage starts to suffer because you spend so much time with a child, trying to figure out their feelings.

My husband and I don't sleep in the same bedroom either.  Before we moved in with my in-laws we spent a lot of time reflecting on our days while we were settling down for bed together.  This hasn't happened in a long time.  It's possible that we need to make a stronger effort to ensure that happens.

We are a very lucky couple though.  We both know, that no matter what, we love each other.  Not many in our situation can say that.

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